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Showing posts from April, 2017

Plato vs Machiavelli on how Just a Leader should rule, With reference to Namibian leadership.

Plato and Machiavelli wrote their ideas concerning Leadership and how one should approach it. Plato takes a positive attitude on how one should rule whereas Machiavelli takes a negative and more radical attitude of employing both extreme measures and good measures when one is ruling. For Machiavelli it is understood that he wrote his work during a time when Italy was under siege from both Spain and France so that’s where he obtained such a radical ideology when it comes to ruling. Plato on the other hand he took a positive attitude simply because during his time happiness was regarded to be the most fulfilling thing for the human soul. This will be used in the discussion exhibiting how President Hage Geingob has been employing either Platonic approach or Machiavellic approach in ruling Namibia. This will be also giving reference to the letter in the New Era of 24 March 2017. To Plato a philosopher king should be installed as a King simply because he is virtuous, he knows what is goo

The Land dispute in Namibia and Redistributive justice

Introduction The issue of land distribution in Namibia has been one of the main discourses that the country is going through since gaining independence in 1990. The land issue was also one of the causes of the colonisation of not only Namibia but the rest of Africa in the 1800s. In this regard it can be noted that the issue of land distribution carries with it some colonial undertones of regaining land that was taken forcefully by the imperialists from the native Namibians, hence the principles of so called ancestral rights. The following discussion will tackle the issue of redistributive justice and individual rights based on the ways in which we can redistribute land as exhibited in Wolff’s book. These are Libertarian, use of free market, the theory of property rights, employing the planned economy, the principle of justice and the difference principle. In the end the discussion will also look at the principles of ancestral rights. Redistributive justice and individual rights to